What is Securestart?
Securestart is a free 4 week trial of pet health insurance from Petsecure. We will cover the cost of your pet's veterinary treatment and care for insured accidents and illnesses including diagnostics, hospitalization and medications for up to $500. As long as your dog or cat is over 8 weeks old you'll be eligible for coverage.

How does Securestart work?
Should your pet have an unexpected accident or illness and you need to make a claim, you will be reimbursed for 80% of the cost of your vet fees, less a $100 deductible per incident. The 4 week period begins from the date and time you activate your voucher. Once you activate your trial, coverage for accidents begins in 48 hours and in 14 days for illness. Your coverage expires 4 weeks after activation unless you continue with a Petsecure plan.
What happens during my 4 week trial?
During your 4 week trial we will be in touch to answer any questions you may have and provide you with a free no obligation quote for our Secure For Life™ plans. With 4 levels of coverage and 2 deductible options to choose from we're sure we have a plan that fits your pet's needs and your budget!
Why would I enroll?
Enrolling on one of our comprehensive Petsecure plans after being on a 4 week trial saves you money, time and above all continues your peace of mind that if something were to happen to your pet they would be...All taken care of.
Enroll before your 4 weeks end and enjoy:
- Uninterrupted coverage - no additional waiting periods for accidents and illness.
- No exclusions based on conditions that may have developed after the waiting periods were complete during your trial.
- Improved Coverage - Our membership levels offer higher coverage amounts for accidents and illness, dental coverage, preventive care, membership benefits and much more!

Pita's True Tail -
a pet insurance testimonial
"You just never know what just might happen while playing flyball! ".
Read Pita's Story...
Andrea Mason, Halifax, NS
Just want to tell you how glad I am that I purchased pet insurance from Petsecure! I am the proud owner of two border collies, one of which is "Pita."
I participate in flyball with Pita. Last October, she scraped her leg badly at the end of the season, and I got a little scared at how hurt she could get if she should hit a jump or another dog. So I decided to get pet insurance this January. You just never know what just might happen while playing flyball!
All was well until the beginning of March when she started vomiting and wasn't her usual bubbly self - and she wouldn't even look at a tennis ball! I took her to the vet and they felt an odd lump in her intestine. An X-ray revealed a blockage, and she needed immediate surgery.
I was so very happy that I had gotten pet health insurance, but was a little worried as we had been members for only three months before her incident. Her surgery and hospital stay cost about $1,350. I submitted my claim and we received our cheque two weeks to the day from the time it was submitted! Wow!
I am so glad I got pet health insurance for Pita. The help from Petsecure when I called to see what was covered and how to get reimbursed was amazing! They were so good. Pita and I missed the first two flyball tournaments due to the surgery. However, she is doing well and now ready to race! I would recommend pet insurance to anyone! Thanks, Petsecure, for being such a great company. Keep up the good work!